คนอเมริกันทั่วประเทศร่วมรำลึกครบรอบ 14 ปีเหตุการณ์ 9/11
ภาพอเมริการ่วมรำลึกครบรอบ 14 ปีเหตุการณ์ 9/11

President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and others observe a moment of silence to mark the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Sept. 11, 2015.

Low clouds surround the top of the One World Trade Center tower, center left, at sunrise during the 14th anniversary of the terrorist attacks, Sept. 11, 2015.

On the 14th anniversary of the attack, a U.S. flag is draped on the side of the Pentagon, Sept. 11, 2015, where the building was attacked on September 11th in 2001.

Army Sgt. Edwin Morales prays during a ceremony at the World Trade Center site in New York, Sept. 11, 2015.